Charles’, the Cafeteria Catholic, began:
The Roman Catholic Church is undergoing its greatest reform. Women will become priests. Priests will be allowed to marry. Homosexuals will be married sacramentally. Children will be conceived through artificial insemination. Masturbation will be recognized as a natural and healthy phenomena. It will all come to its greatest culmination under a female Pope. By what great awareness has this fallen upon me? The common sense that comes with being rational and a reasoning human being. The Church in all its greatness was most aware of its fallibility, and incorporated a well-known doctrine into the institution.
Nathan replies:
So now Charles knows the future.
Well, certain things that are defined as doctrine (ie. the Truth as the revealed Word of God) will not and cannot ever change because God does not change.
The Roman Catholic Church is undergoing its greatest reform. Women will become priests. Priests will be allowed to marry. Homosexuals will be married sacramentally. Children will be conceived through artificial insemination. Masturbation will be recognized as a natural and healthy phenomena. It will all come to its greatest culmination under a female Pope. By what great awareness has this fallen upon me? The common sense that comes with being rational and a reasoning human being. The Church in all its greatness was most aware of its fallibility, and incorporated a well-known doctrine into the institution.
Nathan replies:
So now Charles knows the future.
Well, certain things that are defined as doctrine (ie. the Truth as the revealed Word of God) will not and cannot ever change because God does not change.
Here's what
the church teaches:
1- Women
cannot become priest just like men cannot become mothers and this will never
2- Many
Roman Catholic priests are married even today. The church generally chooses men
who have made a vow of celibacy for the priesthood but that practice can change
any day. It is not a doctrine revealed by God.
3- Men with
homosexual tendencies can be married sacramentally even today but can only
marry women. The opposite is true for women as well because that's how God
designed the male and female counterparts. They are complimentary of each
other, no such complimentarity exists between two men or two women.
4- Children
are already conceived through artificial insemination but that doesn't make it
right. For example, 3 to 10 times more children die from the rejection of the
embryo by the lab techs then there are successful artificial inseminations.
These children deserve to live but died because the parents were willing to
allow the deaths of so many for the life of the one.
5- Wasting
ones seed (ie masturbation) has always been seen as wrong even from Biblical
times (Gen 38:9-10).
"common sense" can be terribly misguided especially when ones
conscience is ill-informed.
To have a
good conscience is to have it align with church doctrine because we KNOW that
Church doctrines are always true since
the church is the pillar and foundation of the truth (1 Tim 3:15).
Charles answered:
I'm afraid that I cannot go there or would ever wish to. I have children watching and listening to me, especially a gay son. I teach that God is a most loving God and far more understanding than the Catholic Church teaches at the moment. But with patience and perseverance reason will win out. Those who think, keep hope alive, and education shall lead the way.
I'm afraid that I cannot go there or would ever wish to. I have children watching and listening to me, especially a gay son. I teach that God is a most loving God and far more understanding than the Catholic Church teaches at the moment. But with patience and perseverance reason will win out. Those who think, keep hope alive, and education shall lead the way.
Having blind
faith, is no excuse, for not thinking.
Here a lurker (a third-party) chimes in:
What many Catholics and most non Catholics fail to understand is that the Catholic Church welcomes homosexuals or divorced into the church. They ask no more from homosexuals than they do from single Catholics. The urge to have sex with someone is not wrong but doing so outside of marriage is the wrong part. I struggle with the logic of some of the Catholic teachings but I understand them.
Nathan replies:
Very well put [lurker]. Thanks for the clarification.
What many Catholics and most non Catholics fail to understand is that the Catholic Church welcomes homosexuals or divorced into the church. They ask no more from homosexuals than they do from single Catholics. The urge to have sex with someone is not wrong but doing so outside of marriage is the wrong part. I struggle with the logic of some of the Catholic teachings but I understand them.
Nathan replies:
Very well put [lurker]. Thanks for the clarification.
Charles then said:
The two of you are not aware that my wife's first husband tried to kill her, while high on cocaine. It was at my advice that she extricate herself from the threat of being assaulted and perhaps killed the next time. Did she know when she was a bride that 5 years later under the influence of cocaine that her sacramental partner, blessed by God, would try to kill her? No. But, isn't it reasonable to recognize that if a person tries to kill you, that perhaps they don't love you, and that in fact, staying married to that man, is not sanctioned by God? Something to contemplate.
The two of you are not aware that my wife's first husband tried to kill her, while high on cocaine. It was at my advice that she extricate herself from the threat of being assaulted and perhaps killed the next time. Did she know when she was a bride that 5 years later under the influence of cocaine that her sacramental partner, blessed by God, would try to kill her? No. But, isn't it reasonable to recognize that if a person tries to kill you, that perhaps they don't love you, and that in fact, staying married to that man, is not sanctioned by God? Something to contemplate.
Nathan answers:
A statement from the USCCB states this in regards to spousal abuse:
A statement from the USCCB states this in regards to spousal abuse:
we emphasize that no person is expected to stay in an abusive marriage. Some
abused women believe that church teaching on the permanence of marriage
requires them to stay in an abusive relationship. They may hesitate to seek a
separation or divorce. They may fear that they cannot re-marry in the Church.
Violence and abuse, not divorce, break up a marriage. We encourage abused
persons who have divorced to investigate the possibility of seeking an
annulment. An annulment, which determines that the marriage bond is not valid,
can frequently open the door to healing.
The document
can be found here:
I hope this
Charles answers:
Thank you Nathan. I did not know that such a socially aware document existed. I do commend our American Bishops for their pastoral understanding in this area.
Thank you Nathan. I did not know that such a socially aware document existed. I do commend our American Bishops for their pastoral understanding in this area.
Finally, Nathan replies:
You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.
You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.
God Bless
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